
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Legacy Chronicles: SENTINEL-2224, Chapter 1

Prologue: In the distant past, an technologically-advanced alien race known as the Harbingers built the Shadow Generator. No one knows why they built it, or how they did. In fact, very little was known of the Harbingers. All that was known of them was that they colonized the Milky Way Galaxy, and built a vast empire stretching from one end of the galaxy to the other.

  Eons ago, the Harbingers activated the Shadow Generator, thus destroying all sentient life the Milky Way Galaxy. Why they did that, no one knows. Above all, nobody knows how life managed to survive the activation of the weapon.

  Now, humanity has already colonized the Milky Way Galaxy. The United World Space Authority (UWSA), military, exploratory, and scientific organization of the United Human Government, was formed shortly before the colonization process. Thousands of worlds have been colonized and many alien races have been discovered. However, a war is being currently fought with the Agedai, an alien race. Due to the Agedai being more technologically advanced, hundreds of world fell and the war seemed lost.

  In AD 2801 the creation of the SENTINEL-I program, a project that created specially-trained commandos, changed the situation. Due to the fact that the SENTINEL-I program was a success, the SENTINEL-II program was given the green light ten years after the SENTINEL-I project. However, due to the high cost of creating SENTINEL-II augmented super-soldiers, the project was stopped after a while; but SENTINEL-II soldiers continued to serve in the UWSA army. After the fall of Colossom in 2824, the SENTINEL-III Project was kick-started. Specially augmented super-soldiers were created as a result of the project. Although only 200 SENTINEL-III soldiers were ever created, they had a major impact on the Human-Agedai War. The Agedai especially feared the SENTINEL-IIIs but none as much as a particular SENTINEL-III, SENTINEL-2224. After the SENTINEL-III project was initiated, many other projects attempting to create super-soldiers followed, but none of them had the same effect as the SENTINEL-III project.


Planet of Rogus, Waster System, Milky Way Galaxy
2 February, AD 2849, 1900 hours

  A lone soldier staggered to his feet and reached down to pick up his helmet. His sharp blue eyes pierced the air and his angular features made him look like an elf. His shaved head reflected back sunlight. He scanned the surroundings and sighed as he saw his fallen comrades. An earlier missile strike had ensured that he was alone. He remembered the thundering sound and impact before losing consciousness. Slipping on his helmet, he then proceeded to slot his MAR-32 assault rifle into his back holster.

  Suddenly, a loud roaring filled the air as mortars rained down all around him! The Agedai must have launched a second strike to ensure that there were no survivors. Rolling away from a nearby explosion, the soldier leapt to his feet and threw something shaped like a grenade into the ground. He crouched as a shield formed around him, taking the full brunt of another three missile hits before fizzling out. The soldier then started sprinting away, at the same time grabbing his rifle.

  Leaping down a small ledge, the soldier engaged a group of 5 Agedai commandos, slaughtering them all mercilessly within a period of 10 seconds without using his gun.

  Whipping out his rifle, he discharged a withering volley of fire at the aliens manning the mortar positions, killing them almost instantly.

  Activating the radar function in his Heads-Up Display (HUD) in his helmet, the trooper saw that there was no one in sight. He was alone in an enemy base camp with no human nearby.

  All of a sudden, sometime hit him from behind, sending him flying a few meters forward. Grunting, he got up. However, there was no visual of his unknown attacker. Another blow staggered him backwards before he saw the light reflecting off a blade. An energy sword.

  Leaping backwards to avoid the stab, the soldier switched on his infrared HUD display, enabling his helmet to detect strong heat signatures and see his assailant's heat-radiating body through his visor. Finally he could at last set eyes upon the Agedai that was attacking him. It would soon die.

  Springing upwards, the soldier evaded the sweeping blow that the alien threw. Landing behind the Agedai soldier, the trooper caught the creature's neck in a headlock and with a sickening "Crack!", snapped it.

  Three more Agedai arrived at the scene, but the human trooper easily dispatched them. He put a bullet in the first alien's head, impaled the second with his combat knife, and sent his fist thundering deep into the third's head, killing him instantly.

  That day, the Bloodhound, an Agedai ship orbiting Rogus, received a transmission from Horow Base.  "Mayday! The devil has attacked our base! Our soldiers are falling like flies by his hand! Argh! (Translated into English) ..." The transmission cut to hash.

  Wiping the blood off his knife, the lone soldier walked off into the distance, leaving the smoking remains of what was the Agedai camp.  He was the "devil." He was SENTINEL-2224, most decorated war veteran in the UWSA, SENTINEL-III super-soldier and scourge of the Agedai. He had been unleashed and now no one could stop him.


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