
Monday, June 18, 2012

Legacy Chronicles: SENTINEL-2224, Chapter 2

  Conrad Kyle Jackson was one of the few SENTINELs born on Earth, capital of the human empire. When he was younger, he was thin, tall, and quite weak in terms of muscle strength. He was frequently bullied in school and his friends even made fun of him. At age 6, both his wealthy parents were murdered by his uncle who greatly coveted his family fortune. Thrown of the house by his evil uncle, he roamed the streets and relied on begging and for a living.

  The turning point of his life came when Dr. Anne Holloway, the eminent scientist heading the SENTINEL-III project. The eight-year-old Conrad was one of the 300 candidates selected for the SENTINEL-III. After a interview with every single one of the candidates, Dr. Holloway chose only 100 of the candidates to be trained as the first generation of SENTINEL-III soldiers. Conrad was one of them. In order to erase any trace of their civilian life, the Sentinels' last names were stripped and replaced with numbers. The name Conrad-S2224 was then born.

  After going through a rigorous training regime lasting 6 long years, the SENTINEL-III hopefuls were finally sent for the augmentation process. Sadly 20 died due to complications arising during the process and a further 10 were physically disabled. Conrad was one of the 50 Sentinels who went through the process unharmed. Those who were not killed or disabled received immunity to all kinds of diseases and poisons, enhanced vision, superhuman strength, superhuman speed, unbreakable bones, quicker reflexes, and altered their bodies in such a way that it almost stopped the aging process entirely, making the Sentinels almost immortal. However, they still could be killed.

  In a test of Sentinel prowess, Conrad was selected to battle five UWSA Marines in a boxing ring. Conrad seriously wounded one, knocked out another, and easily forced the others to admit defeat. Although this caused some resentment of the Sentinels by the Marine Corps, the lethality of the new Sentinels had been established.

  Conrad's early military career showed his leadership skills and he soon was promoted to Squad Leader of Bravo Squad Three. He was often looked upon as the de facto leader of the Sentinels and many looked to him for advice. During this time, Conrad became known as "Master Specialist." That was a shortened form of his rank, Master Specialist Warrant Commanding Officer. Only a few called him by his maiden name, "Conrad."

  It just so turned out that the people that had made fun of Conrad in the past had joined a rebel cause. Bravo Squad Three was sent to take them out with orders to kill on sight. Although his enemies put up a brave fight, they were eventually overwhelmed by the sheer power of the Sentinels and were captured. Lining them up one by one, Conrad kicked them to their knees and enjoyed their pleas of mercy. Loading his W102 shotgun, Conrad blasted their heads off one by one, face emotionless as he did so. Later, he would admit that he did not feel any satisfaction of getting revenge.

  However in a mission to dispatch a team of terrorists holding an important government official hostage, Conrad went MIA (Missing In Action). Reappearing about six months later, Conrad was just in time for a mission to take down the rebel leader. No one knew what happened during his six-month absence. Even so, a change was apparent in Conrad. He was not cold and calculative as before.

  The mission progressed smoothly, but when Conrad at last came face-to-face with the rebel leader, he recognized that the rebel was none other than the uncle who mistreated him and stole his family fortune. A battle ensued, pitting Sentinel against rebel. In the end, Conrad defeated his uncle and severely wounded him. However, Conrad overcame his desire for revenge and spared his uncle, arresting him and handing him over to the authorities for trial.

  Throughout the rest of his career, Conrad killed many a Agedai, thus earning the fear and respect of the Agedai. They referred to him specifically as "the devil" and didn't dare to face him if they were alone. He built up a lethal reputation and was known to take down  organizations and make entire rebel groups disappear on his own.

Planet Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy
4 February, AD 2849, 1600 hours

  Earth was the administrative, technological, economic, and fortress capital of the human empire. So far, 20% of its surface was covered with water. The rest was a giant ecumenopolis (planet-wide city). 

  The UWSA Warforce landed on Docking Bay 12 with a loud "thud." The ramp descended and Conrad strode out, heading towards a lift. The lift took him 1km beneath the surface where the doors opened, revealing the military headquarters of Earth. Taking off his helmet, Conrad addressed General Kane Ross.

  "Master Specialist, it's good to see that you have come back safe and sound. Is there anything to report?"

  "General. Yes, I picked up something along the way while I was rampaging through the camp. Here." Conrad ejected some chip from his armor and handed it to the general.

  "Hmmm... Interesting. Let's have a look, shall we? I bet it contains classified Agedai information." The general smiled as we led Conrad to the intelligence section of the base.

  When they had finally reached, General Ross passed the chip to an officer who plugged the chip into a computer and accessed it's contents.

  "Sir," The officer began,"It's a map of some sort. It shows the locations of some unknown objects scattered throughout the Milky Way."

  "Hmmm... This chip is not very useful. I don't think that the objects will have any impact on the war," The general stroked his chin.

  "General. I suggest keeping this chip. It's contents could have further use in the future," Conrad said, eyes narrowing.

  "Yes, good point, Master Specialist. I will ensure that this chip will not be disposed," The general nodded. "We will investigate those objects by checking records. I don't think that a team should be sent to investigate just yet."

  Suddenly, another officer burst into the room.

  "General Ross! Radon Station reports multiple inconsistent holospace ruptures have been detected near Univa and they read multiple pings under the orbital defense grid! It is the Agedai! Code Autumn has been declared!"

  (Code Autumn was an emergency plan that deals with situations where Agedai forces have become aware or are present at a UWSA colony.)

  "This can't be happening! How could they have found Univa?! Master Specialist, can I trust you to lead Squad Bravo Three to battle at Univa?" The general turned to Conrad.

  "Yes sir!"

  Turning to the officer, General Ross ordered, "Mobilize all units! Make ready for battle!"

Planet of Univa, Soteros System, Milky Way Galaxy
5 February, 2849 A.D. 1000 hours

  The UWSA Armageddon passed the orbital boundary of Univa. Conrad looked down at the planet below him.

  Approximately 5 times the size of Earth and having the second-largest population in the human empire, Univa was one of the UWSA's major manufacturing centres. Both civilian and military spacecraft were manufactured there. It was also the training ground of the Marine Corps, Sentinels, and other special forces. If the Agedai managed to successfully invade Univa, nothing would stand between them and Earth.

  The Armageddon's landing gear extended as it touched down on the ground of Univa.

  Conrad stepped out, followed by the members of his squad and the aircraft supporting them. They were last seen heading towards the site of recent Agedai activity.


  An ASV (Armed Snow Vehicle) plowed through the landscape, leading a pack of ASVs between a battalion of T887 tanks.

  "This is Gold-5 to Beta-9. We're joining Gold-7 and are now en-route to Recon Team Zero's last known position. 5 out." The driver radioed.

  Recon Team Zero had gone on a recon mission to check on some Agedai activity near the Vordok Mountains.

  "Gold-5! Gold-5! We're under attack!" A plasma bolt slammed into one of the recon scouts.

  The other scout tried to run away but was hit in the shoulder by another plasma bolt.

  "Argh!" He cried.

  The driver of Gold-5 gasped in shock.

  Groaning, the scout crawled a few feet before turning back, just in time to see an Agedai soldier materialize out of nowhere, energy sword raised.

  The driver of Gold-5 heard screams. Then silence.

  The Agedai soldier grabbed the scout's dead body and grunted, before tossing the body away. Suddenly, a whole army of Agedai deactivated their Active Cloak and materialized, ready for war. Agedai aircraft swooped above them, weapons primed for action.

  An air battle ensued. Human soldiers rushed out of their mobile bases and engaged the enemy. The battlefield was filled with chaos. Screams could be heard. Bullets and plasma bolts flew over the battlefield, lighting the sky.

  On a high cliff perpendicular to the battlefield, Conrad stood and watched the drama unfold. Behind him were his men and the UWSA reinforcement aircraft.

  "This is Squad Bravo 3. If they want war, we'll give 'em war!"

  The battle for Univa had started.





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